2023 MPA Bylaws Update Details


Bylaws as Adopted in 2010



MPA’s bylaws have not been updated since September 2010 and reflect practices that are dated and do not outline the most current operational processes that MPA follows. Further, because the bylaws have not been updated in some time, but Policies and Procedures and other operational practices have been, there are occurrences where the bylaws and the policies and procedures conflict. As such, a thorough review and update of MPA’s bylaws is warranted.


Kristy McRaney (President) and Ty Stafford (Region Representative and appointed adHoc Bylaws Chair) independently reviewed the MPA’s current bylaws and compared them to current practices of MPA as well as MPA’s most current Policies and Procedures document. Other State, Provincial and Territorial Psychological Associations’ (SPTAs) bylaws were also researched and reviewed. Ty and Kristy collaboratively generated recommended updates to the bylaws and provided their recommendations to the Executive Committee (voting officers and nonvoting chairs) during the July Executive Committee meeting. At that time, the Executive Committee provided input, feedback, and additional recommended revisions. Following this, Ty and Kristy implemented recommended revisions that resulted from the July Executive Committee meeting. The revised bylaws draft was then sent to the Executive Committee for review. During the August Executive Committee meeting, the Executive Councill (voting officers of the Executive Committee) unanimously voted in support of the updated bylaws document for MPA.

Next steps

Per MPA 2010 bylaws, updates/amendments to the bylaws must be published to membership for review and membership votes on the adoption of the bylaws.

  • Proposed bylaws have been provided to membership.
  • At the 2023 convention, a business meeting will be held and discussion of the bylaws will be included on the agenda. Membership will be informed of this update and will be offered time to ask questions and request additional information related to the bylaws updates.
  • Voting will open at or shortly after convention (and will remain open for a specified amount of time). Adoption of the updated bylaws will occur if there is an expressed vote of plurality. Results will be announced within two weeks of the voting window closing.

Main Areas of Change and Rationale 

Broad Revisions

  • Improved structure and formatting of document
  • Revised language to be succinct and more consistent with the intent of bylaws (overarching rules and global guidance for the association, while maintaining flexibility of clarifying and updating details of specific areas within the policies and procedures document).

Article III – Membership

  • Language was updated to remove unnecessary barriers and outdated procedures, while allowing flexibility to update and tailor details around membership procedures and categories within the MPA policies and procedures documents.

Article IV – Dues

  • Included financial hardship option within the dues section.

Article VI – Executive Council and Leadership Roles

  • Executive Council
    • Added clarifier of what constitutes a quorum. This is not a change, but was not specifically outlined in this section in the 2010 bylaws.
  • Leadership Roles
    • Generally, role descriptions were updated to correct any previous errors of descriptions.
    • Clarified terms and processes, as needed. With exception to region reps, no changes to current process – simply clarification, when appropriate.
    • Clarification and revision of term length of Region Representatives to be consistent with other voted positions of Financial and Communications Officer.

Article X – Dissolution

  • New addition to provide clear guidance on actions to occur in the event the association dissolves. Current article is consistent with other SPTAs that have this article in their bylaws.

Article XII – Sunset Provision

  • New addition to prevent any repeated issues of bylaws not being updated for extended periods of time.
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