About Us

Advancing Psychology Together

Welcome to the Mississippi Psychological Association, the leading organization dedicated to advancing psychology as a profession and science in Mississippi.

Who We Are

MPA is a dynamic and growing organization with a strong membership. In 1994, MPA was recognized as the Outstanding State Association by Division 31 of the APA as one of the best-organized and committed state associations in the nation. This award recognizes the commitment of psychology, both in science and practice. Active involvement by all is encouraged; and participation is one of the best methods to ensure the promotion of a positive image of psychology.
Our Mission Statement
MPA advances psychology as a science and as a profession by:
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Our Executive Council

The Executive Council governs the Mississippi Psychological Association. This council is comprised of ten elected members and two appointed ex officio members. The State is divided into four regions, each with representation on the Executive Council.
MPA Team 0006 Amanda Gugliano Headshot

Amanda Gugliano, PsyD

MPA Team 0007 Ty Stafford Headshot

Ty Stafford, Ph.D.

MPA Team 0015 Gavel David

David Gavel, Ph.D.

Immediate Past President
Public Education Chair
MPA Team 0003 Gaughf Natalie 20220429 02 HighRes.EDIT

Natalie Gaughf, Ph.D., ABPP

APA Council Representative
Legislative Chair
MPA Team 0000 Joshua Fulwiler Headshot

Josh Fulwiler, Ph.D.

Communications Officer
Telehealth/Rural Health Chair
MPA Team 0011 Michael Nadorff Headshot

Michael Nadroff, Ph.D.

Financial Officer
Academic/Training Chair
Hilary DeShong Headshot Cropped

Hilary DeShong, Ph.D.

Region 1 Representative
MPA Team 0012 Liz Woodruff Headshot

Liz Woodruff, Ph.D.

Region 2 Representative
MPA Team 0013 Kristy McRaney Headshot

Kristy McRaney, Ph.D.

Region 3 Representative
MPA Team 0016 Jennifer Ladner Graham

Jennifer Ladner-Graham, Ph.D.

Region 4 Representative
woocommerce placeholder

Lisa Yazdani, Ph.D.

Membership Officer
MPA Team 0008 Ryan Liu Pham Headshot

Ryan Liu-Pham, Ph.D.

MPA Team 0010 Nathan Ross Headshot

Nathan Ross, Ph.D.

Early Career
Untitled 1 0014 Kathryn Waggoner Phoenix Professional Headshot KW

Kathryn Waggoner PsyD, ABPP

Continuing Education Chair
MPA Team 0004 Danielle Maack Headshot

Danielle Maack, Ph.D.

Federal Advocacy Coordinator
MPA Team 0017 AngelaHerzog

Angela Herzog, Ph.D.

Sarah Irby Headshot 1

Sarah Irby, Ph.D.

Business of Practice Chair
MPA Team 0005 Barbara Martin Headshot

Barbara Martin, Ph.D.

MPA Team 0000s 0000 Generative

LaDarion Ammons, JD

Executive Director
Membership Involvement and Governance

There are numerous committees, task forces, and working groups through which our members conduct important work on behalf of psychology in Mississippi.

MPA Team 0006 Amanda Gugliano Headshot

Amanda Gugliano, PsyD

MPA Team 0007 Ty Stafford Headshot

Ty Stafford, Ph.D.

MPA Team 0015 Gavel David

David Gavel, Ph.D.

Immediate Past President
Public Education Chair
MPA Team 0003 Gaughf Natalie 20220429 02 HighRes.EDIT

Natalie Gaughf, Ph.D., ABPP

APA Council Representative
Legislative Chair
MPA Team 0000 Joshua Fulwiler Headshot

Josh Fulwiler, Ph.D.

Communications Officer
Telehealth/Rural Health Chair
MPA Team 0011 Michael Nadorff Headshot

Michael Nadroff, Ph.D.

Financial Officer
Academic/Training Chair
Hilary DeShong Headshot Cropped

Hilary DeShong, Ph.D.

Region 1 Representative
MPA Team 0012 Liz Woodruff Headshot

Liz Woodruff, Ph.D.

Region 2 Representative
MPA Team 0013 Kristy McRaney Headshot

Kristy McRaney, Ph.D.

Region 3 Representative
MPA Team 0016 Jennifer Ladner Graham

Jennifer Ladner-Graham, Ph.D.

Region 4 Representative
woocommerce placeholder

Lisa Yazdani, Ph.D.

Membership Officer
MPA Team 0008 Ryan Liu Pham Headshot

Ryan Liu-Pham, Ph.D.

MPA Team 0010 Nathan Ross Headshot

Nathan Ross, Ph.D.

Early Career
Untitled 1 0014 Kathryn Waggoner Phoenix Professional Headshot KW

Kathryn Waggoner PsyD, ABPP

Continuing Education Chair
MPA Team 0004 Danielle Maack Headshot

Danielle Maack, Ph.D.

Federal Advocacy Coordinator
MPA Team 0017 AngelaHerzog

Angela Herzog, Ph.D.

Sarah Irby Headshot 1

Sarah Irby, Ph.D.

Business of Practice Chair
MPA Team 0005 Barbara Martin Headshot

Barbara Martin, Ph.D.

MPA Team 0000s 0000 Generative

LaDarion Ammons, JD

Executive Director
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View Our Speaker's Bureau Directory

In an effort to increase community presence, collaboration, and accessibility the Mississippi Psychological Association (MPA) has developed a Speaker’s Bureau. This Bureau directory includes MPA members who are available and willing to provide trainings, engage in media appearances, and/or be an invited speaker.

Read What Our Members Say About MPA

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The Mississippi Psychological Association

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